Hello! This is my first-class project in Physical Computing in IxD, and our team consists of three Korean members; Yujeong and Hyeona. We were wondering if the Arduino might operate well, so we've been trying to find and review many different references at a basic level.
Our team members shared ideas, and we decided to develop Yujeong's concept. Our main focus is on telling a story that is common to our team members from South Korea: three Koreans who arrived in NYC to study SVA IxD by our choice.
“Depending on the decisions we make and the paths we take, various lights are illuminated in our lives.”
✔ Step 1: We started by attempting to activate three LEDs.
✔ Step 2: Trial and error: we aimed to make our LEDs brighter. As a result, we soldered three LEDs together, but they received too much voltage.
✔ Step 3: Returning to the beginning, we reconfigured with two LEDs and extended the line's length by soldering to position the LED outside of the box.
⭐️ Switches
Switches play a important role in our system as they symbolize our choice to move from Korea to NYC. There are three lines: one represents ourselves, and the other two represent NYC and Korea.